Jul 18, 2022
Part 2: The Waverider is in the temporal zone. From here, we can look at the past, present, and future. Flash and Harley have been covering the series for seven seasons and I, xforce11, have been leaving feedback. I have enjoyed helping host the last 2 seasons. In this second of two parts for our series finale special episode, we continue our discussion about the villains, seasons, and our final season ideas! You didn't think we were finished yet did you?
But this podcast would be nothing without you our Legendaires! Having you share your thoughts and theories through the years about the show has been wonderful. We are so thankful so many of you did the same for the series wrap episode!
While Legends may have come to an end, we are still loving Superman and Lois and Stargirl. Until Stargirl season 3 starts, our Patreon supporters will get some extra content from us and later on it will go in the regular feed. So stay tuned!
Contact Information
If you want to join in the discussion, you can submit feedback via email to TomorrowsLegendsPodcast@gmail.com. Please submit all feedback by 7:00 pm eastern on Friday. You can also join the Facebook group at facebook.com/groups/tomorrowslegends. Answer all the questions and agree to the group rules to be accepted. You can follow us on Twitter @tomorowslegends.
You can support the show on our Patreon page! https://www.patreon.com/TomorrowsLegends
You will get access to bonus content like advanced releases, extra questions answered, hang-out sessions, bonus episodes, and merchandise of course!