Jul 18, 2022
Part 2: The Waverider is in the temporal zone. From here, we can look at the past, present, and future. Flash and Harley have been covering the series for seven seasons and I, xforce11, have been leaving feedback. I have enjoyed helping host the last 2 seasons. In this second of two parts for our series finale...
Jul 18, 2022
Part 1 of 2: The Waverider is in the temporal zone. From here, we can look at the past, present, and future. Flash and Harley have been covering the series for seven seasons and I, xforce11, have been leaving feedback. I have enjoyed helping host the last 2 seasons. In this two part series finale special episode, we...
Mar 5, 2022
The Waverider is in France of 1916. The Legends have are there to save Gwyn from the Fixer of that fixed point. Mike a.k.a. Booster Gold knows all the Legends but sees the Waverider as a means to escape. Gideon and Evil Gideon are protecting time but Gideon is regressing. Astra and Spooner snap her out of it and battle...
Feb 26, 2022
The Waverider is in the Temporal Zone. The Legends have to hook Evil Gideon back up to save Gideon. But it means she has to be by their sides to keep them alive. Gary & Gideon work with Evil Gideon on a compromise that will allow the Legends to retire and live. Their futures look good, but they have reservtions. A...
Feb 5, 2022
The Legends meet the Robo Legends and are no match for them. Sara's appeal to Robo Nate does not work. So Gwyn uses his wartime training to plan dirty warfare to distract, destory and infiltrate the Waverider. Thawne is killed and Sara is left with the burden to protect the fixed point. But Nate fools he Robo...