May 27, 2023
Holy 250 episodes Batman!
That's right! Tomorrow's Legends is celebrating our 250th episode with this one! That's a lot of years, and a lot of hours talking about our favorite shows! Wow!
How else to bring that in other than another prize giveaway! Check out our Facebook page for the video of the winner!
So, this episode hits the heart in all the good ways this week, as Clark and Lois really find that chemistry and old romance again and it's wonderful!
Bruno let's his son Matteo in on some secrets, and the tide may be turning there...
Lana goes to spend time with Lois and help her work through some of the processing she has to do.
John Henry is unhinged after being attacked yet again by Bruno's goons, and may have issues with General Lane and Superman.
The kids are finding ways to support each other and stick together.
BONUS - for the first time, our podcast has gone to video on Youtube! If you'd like to follow us there and watch the podcast and see our faces as we do the show, check out the new channel and subscribe!
Contact Information
If you want to join in the discussion, you can submit feedback via email to Please submit all feedback by 7:00 pm eastern on Thursday. You can also join the Facebook group at Answer all the questions and agree to the group rules to be accepted. You can follow us on Twitter @tomorowslegends.
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